Leadership at Home
I’ve always been intrigued by politics. From my childhood, I was challenged to read and blessed with parents who taught me to ask, think, analyze and attempt “root cause analysis”. 2020 promises to be a good year for such things as the presidential election unfolds. Our heritage of debate, ideas and freedom of exchange is something every American should value.
Such an atmosphere leads people to wrestle with some of the most important problems that we face. Economic, social, educational and medical issues usually take up the largest portion of this conversation. Really, our wrestling with these things comes down to our perception of the things that impact us the most, that exert the greatest influence on our day-to-day routines.
I have always believed that the family is the core unit of society. This has led me to believe that what we see on a macro/big picture level is ultimately a reflection of what is happening at the micro/small picture level. Jesus spoke to this when he laid down this core principle of leadership — whoever wants to be faithful in much has to first be faithful in little (Luke 16:10).
As we launch this family part of the blog, these considerations have been much on my heart to challenge my own life. More important than effective medicine, more important than a healthy economy based on good money, more important than quality education stands the most fundamental resource upon which all human endeavors — under God — rests: leadership. More particularly, leadership in the home. Leadership from husband & father, from wife & mother, and leadership properly developed in our children.
As Christians, we place our ultimate faith and hope in Jesus and His ability to save us, keep us and guide us by His Spirit. Through ups and downs He is our perfect Savior because His leadership in our lives at every point of valley and blessing, mundane and mountain top, weakness and strength is exactly what we need. And not only is He our leader, He is our example. We are to look to Jesus (Hebrews 12) and follow in His steps (1 Peter 2).
So, let’s take a look together in the coming weeks at the most basic and precious commodity we have under God — leadership in the home!